Saturday, January 18, 2014

Top 3 Benefits Of Using A Dedicated Server

Alright, so you and your company are just starting out, and you are currently using a server that is sharing hosting with other companies. Not a bad start, especially if you are just now coming up and starting to generate revenue and business. You might not be expecting to have a lot of heavy traffic since you are just starting out, and there is nothing wrong with that. Every company starts somewhere. But with that being said, owning or renting your own server for dedicated hosting might prove to be beneficial to you and your company instead of sharing with other companies.

First and foremost, is Safe Storage
Servers are not to be taken lightly, no pun intended. These machines are very large and bulky and can take up very large amounts of space that many companies that are starting out may not have. These machines are also very delicate. They are susceptible to extreme environmental changes. Moisture from condensation can fry a server. Extreme high or low temperatures can also directly affect the performance of them. By taking the chance and keeping the server in your office while not being aware of the conditions, you are potentially putting all of your back files, and web services at risk. By going with a dedicated server, you are able to relax knowing that the people you bought or rented the server from are keeping it in a temperature controlled environment.

Secondly, we have Reliability
It is never a bad thing, necessarily, to go with a shared server hosting service, but when you go for a dedicated server, you keep all of the resources. When on a shared server, the resources and power from the server are distributed and shared for all those who are using the server. If, for example, you are on a shared hosting server and another company is larger than yours and has a more intricate web design or more traffic than yours, your website and traffic will suffer due to slower speeds. By switching to a dedicated server through renting or buying, you are able to control all the resources from the server, keep all of the space, and all of the speed for your company.

And last but not least, there is the Advanced Technical Support
It is no simple task to operate these machines, and sometimes that is where we need help. When choosing a dedicated server instead of a shared server, you are giving yourself access to a great tool; the tech support of the people hosting the server. These people will be here to help you with troubleshooting and keeping your website up and running. Those hosting the server are trained in how to run, fix, and troubleshoot these servers. When you have an issue, the company you bought or rented from will be able to help you and give extra attention to the problems you may be having. You may not get that with a shared hosting server.

Getting your company's new website up and running can be exciting. Through that excitement though, make sure to analyze and predict the amount of traffic you may be getting. If you know for a fact that you won't be getting that much due to the early age of the company, go with the shared hosting. However, if you are for sure that your site will need extra care and attention due to the predicted heavy traffic, dedicated servers are the way to go. Remember, sharing may be caring, but don't let your site suffer from it!

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